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Elementary Korean



商品訊息描述This is a comprehensive and detailed introductory Korean textbook and language learning package.

Korean is now the 15th most popular language taught at American universities. This new edition of Elementary Korean, the most comprehensive and detailed introductory Korean textbook available, offers beginning learners of Korean everything they need to learn the language effectively. Perfect for a first-year university-level course use or for the independent language learner. No prior knowledge of the language is necessary.

The new format, now with dozens of illustrations, presents Korean vocabulary and Korean grammar in an accessible and understandable manner while extensive conversations and exercises help to reinforce the Korean language and build reading and listening comprehension.

This edition includes:
  • An MP3 audio CD and dedicated website.
  • Rich and highly nuanced examples with brand new illustrations.
  • Detailed but on–technical grammar notes, ample writing exercises with an accompanying answer key.
  • Detailed examples of authentic dialogue.
  • Highly technical grammar notes.
  • Plenty of writing practice.
Dialogues, reading texts, and written exercises are in Hangul, the Korean alphabet, so students are quickly able to read and write authentic Korean. Layered lessons are designed to build on each other, making Korean easy to learn from the most popular introductory Korean language textbook available. Included is a revised audio CD that helps learners to speak like a native, and a web-based practice component through the University of British Columbia that can help students to learn Korean even beyond the pages of this book. According to the Modern Language Association, enrollment in Korean in American universities is growing rapidly.

Available separately is the companion Elementary Korean Workbook. This helpful workbook will assist you in practicing and polishing your Korean language skills. Each lesson supplements the corresponding lesson in the textbook. There are ten activities per lesson, offering a range of exercises and practice opportunities to enable you to achieve proficiency in everyday, conversational Korean.

  • 作者: King, Ross, Ph.D./ Yeon, Jaehoon, Ph.D.
  • 原文出版社:Tuttle Pub
  • 出版日期:2014/06/03
  • 語言:英文

Elementary Korean



國內香蕉、鳳梨、火龍果等水果價格在今年創新低,導致農民血本無歸,欲哭無淚。為了挽救農民生計,國防部在漢光34號演習後,鼓勵部隊動用加菜金採購當令水果,海軍司令部 11 日已向屏東各地農會採購2700公斤水果。

台北地檢署偵辦陸生共諜周泓旭案時,查到新黨青年軍王炳忠等人涉嫌利用組織,企圖吸收台灣現、退役軍人。國防部13 日表示,經清查尚無現役軍人遭到吸收運用,也無洩漏軍事機密。

空軍現有 19 架 C-130H 運輸機,平均機齡近 30 年,由於沒有足夠預算採購新運輸機,媒體報導,空軍規畫向美方提出申請,能讓 C-130 機隊再飛 10 年。但是立委質疑,C-130H運輸機延壽案主要是強化飛機結構為主,國內航空產業已具備此能量,只要透過原廠的認證,延壽案完全可以由國內來執行,因此延壽案有違國防自主政策。不過,空軍司令部 13 日表示,目前無 C-130 機體延壽計畫。

漢光34號演習 4 日展開,4 日下午花蓮基地一架 F-16 戰機(編號 6685 )在執行漢光演習任務時,不幸於新北五分山失事,飛官吳彥霆少校不幸殉職。總統府15 日發布總統令「追晉故空軍少校吳彥霆為空軍中校」。


眾所矚目的美朝川金會於 12 日在新加坡聖淘沙舉行,估計東道主新加坡政府花費近 4.5 億美元舉辦這場世紀峰會。為求維安滴水不漏,新加坡派出有「最強傭兵」之稱的廓爾喀軍人維安。

南韓總統文在寅促成歷史性川金會,但是美國總統川普在 12 日川金會後記者會拋出震撼彈,表示將停止美韓聯合軍演,並最終撤回駐韓美軍,令南韓方面大敢震驚。為了因應美軍可能撤離,南韓軍方已悄悄開始擴充軍備。南韓政府已展開新戰機與飛彈採購程序,並將試圖引進核動力潛艦。

由於不滿土耳其向俄羅斯採購S-400防空飛彈,美國會議員聯署要求禁止出售 F-35 戰機給土耳其。美國軍方與F-35製造商洛克希德馬丁( Lockheed Martin )則是不顧反對,將在 21 日交付首架 F-35 隱形戰機給土耳其。

▲空軍C-130H型運輸機。(資料圖/記者呂烱昌攝 )





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